Nyun AI: Crafting the Future of Efficient AI

In an era dominated by artificial intelligence, Nyun AI stands out as an emblem of efficiency and innovation. While many AI systems are resource-heavy and costly, we offer a different narrative, paving the way for an optimized AI future.

Genesis & Vision


The name Nyun stems from the Sanskrit word "Nyuntam" , which means minimal


Established in 2021, our philosophy revolves around embedding this minimalism in AI models—minimizing costs, deployment time, latency, and computational demands.


Two years into our journey, our dedication to optimizing AI models has poised us to be the industry's quintessential destination for efficient AI solutions.

Our Mission

At the heart of Nyun AI lies a commitment: to elevate the efficiency of AI, ensuring it's both affordable and swift for everyone. By harnessing techniques like pruning, quantization, binarization, and distillation, we have crafted models that cut down computing costs by a staggering 80% while amplifying their speed sixfold.


Think of this as fine-tuning a tree by removing redundant branches. We apply the same philosophy to AI models, trimming excess to ensure they're streamlined yet powerful.


By fine-tuning the precision of numerical values within our models, we've dramatically shrunk memory demands and augmented processing speeds without compromising accuracy.


At its core, binarization is about simplicity, transforming weights and activations into binary states. This not only trims memory use but significantly boosts model speed.


Knowledge is passed from a vast, intricate model to its leaner counterpart. The result? Models that are nimble yet do not skimp on accuracy.

Our Proposition

Nyun AI isn’t just about individual techniques. We meld them, creating bespoke, efficient AI models that resonate with our client's distinct demands. We believe in an AI future where even the tiniest device can harness the power of intricate models. By curtailing costs and boosting model speeds, we're ensuring AI remains within everyone's grasp.

Talent & Legacy: What Sets Nyun AI Apart

Exceptional Team

Our team, a blend of prodigious minds from premium Indian and Global institutes, is redefining global AI standards.

Our Mentorship Impact

Beyond our innovations, we're proud mentors. Our intern alumni now shine in tech giants like Google, Microsoft, Amazon, and Meta, showcasing our commitment to nurturing the next generation of AI leaders.

Diverse Brilliance

From a TU Delft Ph.D. alum to a Kaggle Grandmaster, our team's diversity propels boundary-less innovation.

Founders' Legacy

Our founders, having published over 30 pivotal papers on AI efficiency, epitomize our research and innovation-focused ethos.

Join Our Journey

Embark on this enthralling voyage with us, as we mold tomorrow s AI. With solutions that strike a chord and leave a lasting impression, we are more than just a team. We re the flag-bearers of AI s bright future. Dive into an AI universe with limitless possibilities. Welcome to Nyun AI, the architects of today s AI future